TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - my assumption is product from the car wash
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Subject my assumption is product from the car wash
Posted by robo (sebring1970) on September 06, 2022 at 2:23 PM
  This message has been viewed 263 times.
In Reply To Was the stain caused by one of the products at the car wash posted by black300zx on September 06, 2022 at 01:45 PM
Message I would want to blame the setting labeled "ceramic" on the car wash dial, as that was totally new to me. All the other settings I have seen and used over and over at self-service car washes.

The stains are bad, I would've noticed them before, even before the car wash. I didn't show more than one foto of the bumper but overall, clearly there is a run-off, drip pattern to the stain. Looks worse in person than in the foto.

My working hypothesis as to why it only effected the rear bumper is some kind of reaction with the soot from the exhaust on the bumper, which is wild speculation on my part.

Thanks, that was one of my basic knowledge gaps, whether or not to touch the plastic with rubbing compound.

Side bar: The 'high-end" expensive "Chemical Brothers" polish made it worse. The Turtle Wax Spray n Shine did the best job so far. I know a few guys who won't let that product touch their cars, go figure. The Turtle Wax smells more "solventy" and maybe that's why, who knows?

But no matter what I do at this stage, the stains are still there. I can make it 50% better with what I have on hand. Thanks again. I will move to a more agressive product like rubbing compound. I have some Novus hot tub plastic polish around here somewhere, I might try that if I can find it.

This is causing me a mini-panic attack. My Z has never been marked up like this before.

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